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Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen unser neuestes Video präsentieren zu können, das von engagierten Schülerinnen und Schülern unserer AG Kommunikation produziert wurde. Dieses Video bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben an unserer Schule und zeigt die Vielfalt unserer Aktivitäten und Programme.

Ein besonderer Dank geht an Simon Schroffenegger für seinen herausragenden Schnitt, der das Video zu einem wahren visuellen Erlebnis macht. Ebenso gebührt Aaron Robatscher Anerkennung für die atemberaubenden Luftaufnahmen, die mit einer Drohne aufgenommen wurden und eine einzigartige Perspektive auf unsere Schule bieten.

Durch die gemeinsame Anstrengung und Kreativität dieser talentierten Schülerinnen und Schüler haben wir ein beeindruckendes Werk geschaffen, das die Lebendigkeit und Dynamik unserer Schule einfängt.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, unser Video anzusehen und mehr über das aufregende Schulleben und die Möglichkeiten zu erfahren, die unsere Bildungseinrichtung bietet.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihre Unterstützung!


A Christmas Carol

The Fantastic St         

On 28th November our school went to watch a play at the theater “Cristallo” of Bolzano. The play was called “A Christmas Carol”, based on Charles Dickens’s novel, which is an original and exciting literary work written in 1843 in the honor of Christmas. The play was performed by an American Theater Group.                

“A Christmas Carol” is the fantastic story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a rich and cruel businessman. The story begins on Christmas Eve, when the cruelty of Mr. Scrooge is perceived the most. During the night three spirits visit him: the spirit of the past, the spirit of the present and the spirit of the future. The next morning Mr. Scrooge is a whole new man.              

The main character is Mr. Scrooge; the audience can assist his extraordinary transformation: from an old, rich and cruel man he turns into a kind and generous man. Revising his past, the present and his future has changed him a lot. Other main characters are Bob Cratchit and the three spirits. Mr. Cratchit is the underpaid employee of Mr. Scrooge, who gets ill on Christmas Eve. The three spirits are the heroes of Mr. Scrooge; they helped him to get out of his misery. The minor characters are the wives of the main characters, who appeared at the end of the play.             

The story is set in the past. The audience recognized this because of the costumes and the difference between the rich and the poor, which was very evident at the time.               

I think that what the author wanted to show to the audience was that kindness and generosity always beat cruelty. In the beginning the play was uninteresting and boring, especially for me, because I had never heard of this story before. It was a bit difficult to understand the story. The language was very easy to understand and the accent was the best I have ever heard. My favorite part was when Mr. Scrooge began to realise that he was doing it all wrong. This is a lesson for all of us. The thing that I did not like about the play was the role of the women; they all looked the same and I got confused. But all in all, I liked the play and it was well done.       

Egzon Sinani, 3n