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Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen unser neuestes Video präsentieren zu können, das von engagierten Schülerinnen und Schülern unserer AG Kommunikation produziert wurde. Dieses Video bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben an unserer Schule und zeigt die Vielfalt unserer Aktivitäten und Programme.

Ein besonderer Dank geht an Simon Schroffenegger für seinen herausragenden Schnitt, der das Video zu einem wahren visuellen Erlebnis macht. Ebenso gebührt Aaron Robatscher Anerkennung für die atemberaubenden Luftaufnahmen, die mit einer Drohne aufgenommen wurden und eine einzigartige Perspektive auf unsere Schule bieten.

Durch die gemeinsame Anstrengung und Kreativität dieser talentierten Schülerinnen und Schüler haben wir ein beeindruckendes Werk geschaffen, das die Lebendigkeit und Dynamik unserer Schule einfängt.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, unser Video anzusehen und mehr über das aufregende Schulleben und die Möglichkeiten zu erfahren, die unsere Bildungseinrichtung bietet.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihre Unterstützung!


Incredible performance

King Lear - a well-known Shakespearean play    

On the 11th of November the class 5a, accompanied by Prof. Medici and Prof. Mian, had the pleasure to see “King Lear”, a well-known Shakespearean play. There were only two actors interpreting the many  characters of the story, so the challenge for them was to capture the students´ attention and to make the complex plot comprehensible, whilst slipping into different roles and playing them most convincingly. Because of the shortage of actors and the simple stage it was rather difficult for the audience to keep track of the storyline, as  the story itself is long and relatively complicated. Keeping in mind that in this case they reduced the much longer original play to only one hour while remaining true to the original language, it has to be said that both actors were extraordinarily talented and capable of great acting. Through their incredible performance they turned a simple visit to the theatre into an important experience for all of us.

Sara Sciacovelli (5a)  


King Lear's Tragic Story 

The first and the most important thing to say is that the performance I saw at the Theater im Hof was the best and most interesting I´ve seen in the last four years. It was really gripping and fascinating.
At the beginning I didn´t care what we were about to see ... in fact, I was just happy that our class was about to miss some lessons ...
When I entered the location my first impression wasn´t the best as the venue was very small and it was really dark, but then the play started and captured my attention from the very first moment. 
It was incredible how they managed to put such a complex play on stage. There were just two actors, but they were perfectly organized. I especially liked the male one, even if it apparently was the first time in his life that he played this role. The way he used his voice! He perfectly knew when he needed to speak a bit louder or when to briefly stop to increase intensity. He was fantastic. 
Most of the English language they used was understandable and because of their well accomplished presentation I really liked the play. The story was sad and overwhelming. As King Lear was about to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, he asked a question. The youngest didn´t flatter him and so he didn´t recognize that she was the most loyal one. He wasn´t able to distinguish between the loyal and the disloyal daughters and ended on the other side of the world, alone and blind.
I had many different feelings during that hour. I felt angry as I saw how the oldest daughter acted in front of her father, I felt sad as the father died at the end and I couldn´t understand the wrong reaction of the father at the beginning, as his favorite daughter was just loyal and said the truth. 
The actors were friendly and candid and I am happy that they accepted to perform that play in Bozen.  

Sophie Bertolasi (4b)