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Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen unser neuestes Video präsentieren zu können, das von engagierten Schülerinnen und Schülern unserer AG Kommunikation produziert wurde. Dieses Video bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben an unserer Schule und zeigt die Vielfalt unserer Aktivitäten und Programme.

Ein besonderer Dank geht an Simon Schroffenegger für seinen herausragenden Schnitt, der das Video zu einem wahren visuellen Erlebnis macht. Ebenso gebührt Aaron Robatscher Anerkennung für die atemberaubenden Luftaufnahmen, die mit einer Drohne aufgenommen wurden und eine einzigartige Perspektive auf unsere Schule bieten.

Durch die gemeinsame Anstrengung und Kreativität dieser talentierten Schülerinnen und Schüler haben wir ein beeindruckendes Werk geschaffen, das die Lebendigkeit und Dynamik unserer Schule einfängt.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, unser Video anzusehen und mehr über das aufregende Schulleben und die Möglichkeiten zu erfahren, die unsere Bildungseinrichtung bietet.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihre Unterstützung!


A Special Boy

The movie “Wonder” by Stephen Chbosky is about Auggie, a child with a rare disease, who goes to a middle school in Brooklyn for the first time in his life.

Because of his genetic abnormality, he was homeschooled by his mom Isabel but now that he’s older, his parents send him to “Beecher Prep” school in order to get used to the outside world. Unfortunately he is bullied by Julian and his friends and everyone else always stare at him. That’s why Auggie wears an astronaut helmet – to hide from them and escape from the cruel reality. Luckily he meets two nice students named Will and Summer who want to be his friends. During a trip August and Will are attacked by three older boys but are helped by Julian’s friends. They understand how badly they have treated him and become Auggie’s friends. At the end Auggie gets an important recognition from the principal: the marginalized boy becomes a role model and everyone’s friend.

I particularly liked Auggie because I felt like him when I was at elementary school. I think, that he was very strong to never give up and face such a cruel little world like school. He’s also very funny and kind to others. The fact that at the end of the school year he recieves an award for being an outstanding student reminds me that the best people are those who help others by simply letting them be themselves.

Vega Hurrequi Mariana, 1 c


The film called “Wonder“ was produced by Stephen Chbosky in the USA in 2017 and was played by Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson and Jacob Tremblay. It‘s the filming of Raquel J. Palacio‘s book “Wonder“, written in 2015.

The book is about August Pullman (Auggie), a 10-year-old boy, whose life is really hard because of the disfigured face he has had since his birth. His mother has been teaching him at home till the age of ten, when his parents decide to send him to a public middle school. First, he spends most of the time alone, mean boys laugh at him and he becomes really sad. But after a while other kids want to know him better, because they don´t care about his appearance. The main characters are Auggie, his mom Isabel, his dad Nate, his sister Olivia and Justin, his best friend.

I really liked this film, because situations like this happen very often in real life, and I think this film shows us how everyone should react in a similar situation.

This movie shows us that nobody should have prejudices because of somebody‘s appearance, and that everyone should know a person before judging her/him.

I would really recommend this film to anyone who likes emotional and dramatic movie.

Stürz Boscheri Nadja, 2 b