Projekte und Aktivitäten

Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen unser neuestes Video präsentieren zu können, das von engagierten Schülerinnen und Schülern unserer AG Kommunikation produziert wurde. Dieses Video bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben an unserer Schule und zeigt die Vielfalt unserer Aktivitäten und Programme.

Ein besonderer Dank geht an Simon Schroffenegger für seinen herausragenden Schnitt, der das Video zu einem wahren visuellen Erlebnis macht. Ebenso gebührt Aaron Robatscher Anerkennung für die atemberaubenden Luftaufnahmen, die mit einer Drohne aufgenommen wurden und eine einzigartige Perspektive auf unsere Schule bieten.

Durch die gemeinsame Anstrengung und Kreativität dieser talentierten Schülerinnen und Schüler haben wir ein beeindruckendes Werk geschaffen, das die Lebendigkeit und Dynamik unserer Schule einfängt.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, unser Video anzusehen und mehr über das aufregende Schulleben und die Möglichkeiten zu erfahren, die unsere Bildungseinrichtung bietet.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und Ihre Unterstützung!


Great!!! British and American Swimmers in our School

Isabella Hindley and Matt Josa are two professional swimmers that have visited a few classes shortly after taking part at a competition in Bozen.

They both told us about their life, their job and how much work and effort they invest every day to compete at such a high level. Matt has already participated in the world championships, one of the biggest events after the Olympic games. Although Isabella has not reached such a competition yet, she absolutely dominated her opponents at the Meetup in Bozen, winning 4 Races. Matt ended up third twice, so that’s still a pretty remarkable achievement! 

Their everyday life is exhausting with nearly 2 trainings every day. Their dream of envisioning their hobby as a job has come true, and the love for their sport is the thing that keeps them motivated.

Plancher Elias, 2b

On the 4th of November, two professional swimmers visited our school. They were in Bozen for an international swim meeting. Several classes had the pleasure of meeting them. One of the swimmers, Matthew Jona, is from the US and the other, Bella Hindley, is from Great Britain. Both are very successful. Matthew Jona took part in the world Championship in 2016 and won three medals. Bella Hindley studied at Yale and was very successful in the Ivy League swimming competitions, even setting new records.

Meeting the swimmers was an exciting experience and being able to ask them questions gave us an insight into their careers. They told us about things such as their diets or training schedule, how they prepare before a competition or what they love about swimming. For example, Bella told us that se likes to smile at her opponents before the race to make them uncomfortable, and Matthew explained that swimming makes him happy and he truly enjoys it.

Both swimmers have big plans for the future. Matthew is training for the 2020 Olympics, while Bella is hoping to continue her studies on medicine after her swimming career.

Seeing the highs and lows of a professional sport career was very interesting and we wish them all the best for the future!

Emilia Pahl 2d